Learning Lifeguard Library
Embark on a heartwarming journey with The Lifeguard: Building Relationships and Saving Students (working title). Set in a fictional school, follow Ms. J as she undertakes an eight-month lifeguarding mission to support a struggling student. Illustrated with vivid imagery, this captivating narrative depicts a school where every adult is committed to ensuring every student achieves academic success. Readers will be deeply moved and inspired to support learners who are striving to academically stay afloat.
The Lifeguard: Building Relationships and Saving Students
Discover the ultimate lifeline for supporting struggling students with Learning Lifeguards: Your 10-Step Guide to Building a Team that Motivates Struggling Students to Love Learning and Stay in School. This guidebook offers students facing academic challenges a beacon of hope by equipping educators with actionable strategies to support struggling students and cultivate a collaborative and caring school community. Whether you’re a teacher seeking practical solutions or a visionary principal shaping your school’s improvement plan, Learning Lifeguards will help you create a learning community where academic success for every student is not just a goal—but a reality!